This jelly is the first of its kind (as far as we know) designed to feed chewing predatory bugs. This diet can last up to two months in the fridge but is best during the first month, (always check no mold has grown after the first month). The diet is made fresh after you buy to unsure it lasts as long as possible. Each cup contains 150g of jelly, to put into perspective a feeder crickets weighs on average 0.4g, so the jelly is the equivalent of 375 crickets. This means the jelly is extremely nutrient dense and will feed many inverts over the two months. Due to the dense nutrient you only have to scoop out a small piece of jelly (no bigger than a large cricket for large beetles) to feed your bug for days. As the diet is protein based you need to make sure the enclosure your bug is in is well ventilated so that the diet that is not consumed dries out, if the enclosure is poorly ventilated or no ventilation the diet will being to smell. Also make sure your bugs have a ground substrate to wipe off any jelly on their face (but all bugs should have ground substrate anyway). When first introducing the diet to your bugs make sure you see them eating it to ensure your bugs like the jelly and are fed. All bugs on the website that consume this jelly have been fed on this jelly
Bugs that can consume predatory invert jelly:
Predatory beetles
Carrion beetles
Predatory crickets
Adult centipedes
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